Malawi Update from the Fullford Family!

This is the kind of reports that make you want to sell all you have and head for Africa. Without a doubt the Holy Spirit has gone ahead and the people are ready for harvest but how shall they hear without a preacher. Read this and you will be blessed I know.
Bro. Miller

Dear Chuck

What a week!!
During the last month we had made some commitments to several men from two different villages to come and meet with their respective churches.
One Tuesday we travel about 8 Km from our compound to the village of Chazuka (CHAA ZOO KAA).  This village is towards the west and about 5 miles from Mozambique.  The village was remote and rough with most of the houses and roofs being constructed out of tree trunks, mud and grass.  We met with about 50 plus men and women and preached to them God's Salvation.  At the end 38 adults and older teens prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior; Praise God!!  We left them with John/Romans and tracts and also gave the pastor a new Bible.  His was falling apart and pages were missing.  They beseeched us please come and teach them, and we are trying to figure out how we can do this.  I think the best way is for two of their men to travel the distance to our Bible Institute compound and teach them over several days out of "The Seven Steps of Joy".  We would then send them back to teach their people.  We will have to do this for the future as we just do not have the manpower to travel several days a week to hold Bible Studies at their village.
On Thursday we travel about 30 Km to the south to the village of Mwatasa (MMM WAA TAA SAA).  We met with two pastor's and their respective churches in one place.  We preached Christ Crucified and God's Gift, and 7 adults got saved.  The one pastor had a Bible and the other did not.  We gave each one a new Bible and they were very appreciative.  Again, they are looking for us to come and disciple them, but the distance is so great I am not sure what we are going to do.  Most of the road is difficult, and to go the 30 Km took us over one hour.
On Saturday we had our church soul winning, and over 40 adults and kids turned out at 7am to go to the village of Chagwiragalu (CHAA GWEER AA GAALUU).  We broke up into 4 teams and during the morning about 30 people prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.  The high light of my morning was that when I went to the Group Village Headman to ask permission to go to this village to spread the Gospel I was able to share the Gospel with him, and he and two other men got saved, to God's Glory!  This village is about 6 Km directly west of the BBAM compound, so it is accessible.  We will see what happens in the future.
Today we had a good turnout with about 60 in the adult classes and over 120 in the kids.  Seven adults got saved during the preaching service, and Nelson Madeya, the Associate Pastor of BBC of Tengani baptized 19 today.
I made the comment to Pastor Nelson that if we got all the members together at one service we would be in real trouble as we would have no room.
Next Sunday we will be starting a new Sunday School program now that Shadrick and his family have moved down here, and we have more interpreters.  Nelson Madeya will take the 12 to 20 year old men, I will have the adults, Sarah will have the 12o 20 year old girls, and Darcy will have the 5 to 12 year old boys and girls.  We are really excited about structuring lessons aimed at a specific gender and age group.
We continue to pray for help from America to come and be with us.  People who truly have been called by God to this ministry.  This ministry is exploding as we go out and soul win.  More and more people who have been saved are coming and word is going out that the Bible is being preached.  We do not have the frustration of not seeing fruit, but the frustration of not knowing what to do with the fruit God is supplying.  Thank God it is His ministry, and He will have to solve these problems.

Your Servant for Christ,

John, Darcy and Sarah

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