Wednesday October 23, 2013

Malawi, Africa C. Africa
Yesterday was a banner day in the life of this Malawi family. After walking to church for the last year on some of the worst roads and trails you can imagine the Rackson Kaiwe family purchased their first ever transport. As in past post I asked you all to pray about this matter, well the prayers came to fruition and while setting on the porch with Grace and Rackson’s brothers the horn honks at the gate, a horn I had not heard before and in comes  the new 2003 Mazda van. Too see the look of delight on the face of Grace is indescribably to articulate to you so let’s go with happy. It needs a few things to make it a ministry van such as a logo for the side; that is the first thing we did when Rackson got back from signing all the paper work, actually the first thing we did was come in the house and sit around the plastic table and offer up a prayer for ALL the blessings this faithful family has/have received.
Back to the logo, (I am sending a copy of proposed) at first Rackson was not sure if the one I had was the one he wanted to go with, he had a very nice one he designed with a bible and a cross in multi colors. I explained that almost all the churches here had a bible as a part of their logos but unless it is the KJV it is just a book but a logo with the rising sun and a cross (rising Son) tells a better story of who we are, well he got it and said that is the one. He will send it out and have the Malawi colors and script put on and have it applied to the van. I think it will look great.
Today is also a banner day if you are an American, we have hot shower water thanks to the instillation of a geezer (water heater) it was put in place a few days ago but needed to be tested a few days under varying water pressures. No leaks but no hot water hmmmm? Geezers are put in the attic, last evening Rackson broke out the ladder and up he went. He found the plumber forgot to turn on the switch to the electric thermostat. One flip of a switch and presto! I had a hot shower this morning. It was a banner morning for everyone as Grace does not have to heat water on a hot plate or boil water in a pot over hot coals, God is so good and so is life in Malawi.
Rackson got us all up early this morning as he wanted to get breakfast over so we could start on the translation of the lessons to be handed out at bible study tomorrow evening. The way we write for an English speaking person is much different than how they speak in Malawi even though they speak English well, the people we will be teaching in Njuli are not so gifted. A lot of the handouts are fill in the blanks type of lessons and I may key on a word as the important word in the text that is not how a Malawian would read the same verse so Rackson and I have to work that out so the idea of the verse is understood. These will be the leadership of the church and they want to know. The topic is “The Doctrine of the Church” and is very comprehensive. I taught last year three hours a day twice a week for two months along with Paul’s letters to the churches, one month will not be enough to complete but I will get a good start and Rackson can finish. This brings up a problem we have had for a long time here at Bible Way no Escom no night classes.  Next problem, everyone works during daylight hours so no day classes except Sunday. Rackson and I have worked out a solution and I will share it with you at a later time-so simple my brain hurts because we did not think of it sooner. Oh by the way don’t put away your check books just yet.
Your servant and friend,
Bro. Chuck

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