Wednesday the16th of October

Next adventure in SA, awake early and by chance Sheila was on so I Skyped her and had a last minute chat that was about 3 am. SA time. Went back to bed and read, prayed and watched CNN and then prayed some more. Was in the dining room at 0600 and had a great breakfast with much coffee but none on the veranda. Took the early transport to the airport and as last time I asked for help from one of the porters and the next thing I know I am at the gate waiting for the plane with much time to spare and I must say it feels good. Checked with baggage on was informed my bags would be on the plane, we’ll see.  I must admit this has been a great flight so far and trouble free. I am getting excited to see Rackson and the family and see what God has planned for me. More later and I hope I can have ease of communication with you all back home. I will send pictures if I can find the camera, I know I packed it I just don’t know where
Bro. Chuck

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