update on Rackson

Have you heard! Rackson made the flight with the window of weather. They re-booked him to travel direct to Washington D.C. without stopping in Atlanta. Rackson's prayers were answered that day. All went well except for the additional cost of the extra luggage we stuffed for Grace. We had to send lots of presents for so many. There is always room for something for the Fullford's. Sorry Jonathon, even your school books made it.
We are waiting for pictures but as you know the internet in Malawi does not always cooperate. Soon Rackson tells us.
Bible Way Njuli is doing great and so happy to see Rackson and welcome him home. Now it is time to get busy and put the Pastor's teaching at work and help the other evangelists and go forth and tell others about Jesus.
Please continue to pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Malawi. The time is short and they need to hear about the Saviour.