Saturday evening Sept 8th Jesus Film

After a day in the sun and dust climbing up to homes that had goats who's legs are shorter on one side. We concluded our efforts at soul winning which as you can see by last report was wonderful. We got home in time to pack up the equipment and head out to a village many kilometers away or about 40 minutes on back trails. The village is Rodney's home village by the name of Khande. As you can see it was in the middle of a soccer field. The equipment is first rate and the sound system is exceptional. It is Malawi tough with exceptions. Rackson and Rodney estimate attendance to 241 adults and children, when it gets dark it is hard to see who has arrived late. 118 accepted the Lord as their savior. A few more days like this one and I may stay here. We are already planning more evenings out as the cost of petrol is down to around $6.50 a gal. so we can do much more traveling. Enjoy the pictures and know you are responsible for this work. Church this morning was wonderful. Liz and Jonathan went with me, John and Darcy went to a new church to help support their worship. You know if you do this right it is amazingly like the bible depicts, go figure:) I can't tell you how many John/Romans and salvation tracts we have given out but it is not enough. 
Till next time, as always Bro. Chuck



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