Saturday morning Soul Winning September 8th

Good morning and God bless. I am sending pictures of our day at Njuli. I will send pictures of the Jesus film later after I get the name of the place where we went.  I am still tired from yesterday as it was hot and every place we went was up hill. As you can see the Lord added some wonderful families to the rolls of life everlasting. Most of the families are within walking of Bible Way Njuli maybe 4-5 miles. I wish we had more people for soul winning as it takes about 45 minutes to get them down the Roman's road. I, like John start in the front of the book (Gen.1:1) and take them through to the cross and down the road with Paul. It does no good to tell them all have sinned and the wage of sin is death if they don't know what sin is or where it came from. Everyone we meet get tracts and the ones who get saved get tracts and a John/Romans. all in all 12 precious souls were added to the kingdom. I cannot express my joy to all back home who helped make this possible through prayer and love offerings and support.


No water for the last two days but we do have power. John and Darcy or going to a little church a long ways away, the kids got back from their mountain climbing adventure and will be going with me to Njuli so they can get back home and rest today. Class starts back tomorrow so I will be busy with studies. John is going to take advantage of my being here and take Darcy on a three day vacation so I will have school and Kids, I am so glad I can be a help to them. Coffee is on and I must go.  

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